
Wednesday 11 March 2015

Wip Wednesday- the monsters are coming

Well just one monster!

As today's title suggests the monster sweater is nearing completion, I'm really pleased with how it's coming along. I've made a couple of mistakes but I'm ok with that, I've cracked intarsia and that's fab! 

Here's where I am as of today

I have the sleeves to finish, the neckband and then just seeing it together. I am really hoping that next week I will have a new wip to show you and this will be a FO! We do have visitors coming at the weekend so this may hamper how much knitting I get done, but fingers crossed! 


  1. Love it! Hope you manage to find a quiet corner some time over the weekend to get it finished. Maybe that could be your another's Day treat?

  2. That looks fantastic!!! You are doing a GREAT job with it! :)

  3. I giggled at the cartoon and caption. :D Cute little sweater.

  4. looks great...cant wait to see it finished!
