
Sunday 29 March 2015

Is it spring yet?

So the clocks changed last night so technically it is spring but it doesn't really feel like spring yet! There are signs it's coming though and that is good. It nearly April, the nights are getting lighter, the sun can be seen more frequently, the temperature has risen a bit (some days) and there is the first signs of growth in the garden! This all makes me feel quite positive, I've had enough of winter, I'm ready to feel the sun on my face again! (Plus none of my coats fasten anymore, so it will be nice to not have to wear one!)

To help spring along I've been surrounding our home with little things like daffodils, Easter cakes and little chicks! I've also picked up some yarn in lovely spring colours and my new wip is very seasonally (more of that on Wednesday)

Is it spring yet? Is just one of the questions I've been asking lately, others include - is it nap/bed time yet? Is it the weekend yet? Is it time for mat leave yet?

You may be sensing a theme, this week has not been a great week sleep wise, lots of getting up for the toilet and then not getting back to sleep again. Everything is much harder when you're tired and I've really felt like I need a break or a rest or a lovely holiday to lie on a beach (that last one is never gonna happen!!) But today is the first day of spring, I had a good nights sleep and feel ready for action! Well maybe not action, maybe just a bit of pottering around, making lists, eating cake and a bit of knitting!


  1. I do love this time of the year even though its still a bit chilly. Nice spring photos.

  2. I love your collage, so many happy spring things! Can't wait to see what the yarn is going to become.

  3. I keep asking the same question - Is it spring yet? I know the calendar says it is but my winter coat is telling me otherwise. I hope you have a more restful week. Dreaming of a beach vacation right along with you!
