
Wednesday 23 May 2012

Sunny Wip Wednesday!!

Happy sunny Wednesday!

I hope the weather is as nice with you all as it is here! It has been beautiful here the last couple of days! I'm posting a bit later than normal today as I've spent most of the day out in the garden, reading and knitting, it has been lovely. The husband and I are just back from a nice walk and an ice-cream! I love the way the sunshine lifts your mood!

Right so onto the wips, I'm pleased to say I am one wip less than last week as I'm pretty much done with Neve's knitting and hopefully will have it ready to show on Friday!

First wip - Baby

As you can see growing nicely and all set for summer!

Second wip - Baby blanket
I haven't done as much on this as I'd hoped as I've been trying to get Neve's knitting finished. However I am pleased with the progress and as I said last week its really nice to just pick up and knit, I do love garter stitch and super soft yarn!

Third wip - Circular
I'm really disappointed about this one as after being so excited about getting to grips with circular knitting last week I went to cast on and realised I didn't have the size needle I needed and when I went to my lys they didn't have it either, boo hiss! But they have ordered me one, which will hopefully be here by the weekend so I will be able to cast on then! Yay!

I finished last weeks book and it was ok, I wasn't too happy with the ending but overall it was ok.
This week though I have started a new book and I am loving it. It's called "Company of Liars" and its by Karen Maitland.
Its about the plague when it first comes to England and an unlikely group of people who are forced to travel together to try and out run the spreading plague. I'm only a little way in but already the characters are appealing and the story has me hooked!

So what are you reading and knitting?

Well I'm off to visit Tamis and see what everyone else is up to!
I will also be linking this post with the following blogs
Wednesday - Show off your stuff party
                     Yarn along
Thursday - Our creative spaces
                 Delightfully inspiring Thursday
                 Creative Juice Thursday


  1. Sounds like you're making good headway. I so agree about the sunshine! I spent some time outside watering my flowers before getting showered and dressed...soon to work I go. argh

  2. We studied the Middle Ages this year in our homeschooling, so your book has caught my attention.

    Happy knitting!
    (visiting from Ginny's)

  3. Your baby bump is too cute!! Love the blanket too, I love projects you can just pick up whenever you feel like. Thanks for the book idea, I'll add that to my list. I love historical fiction.

  4. baby bump!! Happy days!!! I think I read this a while ago--and enjoyed it (but can you tell, only the very vaguest outline remains with me!!!!)

  5. You are so right about the sun -- it really does lift a mood! I love garter stitch for simple projects and a baby blanket is perfect, especially in that patchwork way you're working it. That book sounds interesting, too!

  6. I love the colors of your blanket!! And you are a super cute little momma!! loved walks and ice cream when I was expecting!

  7. I listened to Company of Liars on audiobook and it's a great story. Congrats on the bump! I love the colours for the baby blanket :)

  8. Ice cream was my craving food when I was pregnant!
    Projects that you can just pick up and work on are always the best. Sometimes you don't want to have to think too hard about what you're doing.

  9. Sunshine is the best thing ever, be sure to take full advantage of it. Baby bump!!! Don't stress out about the blanket, it will be finished before you know it.

  10. Congratulations Sam! I wish you a very happy and healthy pregnancy! Your baby blanket is going to be wonderful!
    Hugs, Barbina

  11. So excited to see Neve's wee thing xx
