
Monday 12 March 2012

Much Love Monday - My Daft Cat

Happy Monday everyone! I am quite happy this Monday, the sun is shinning and everything looks nice and cheerful! I'm also really please to be taking part in Much love Monday again, I have missed this little bit of happiness every week! So what do I love this Monday, this Monday I love my daft cat Phoebe. Here is a picture of here from yesterday

Now this pretty much sums up Phoebe perfectly! If there is anything, anything at all she thinks she can be a part of she will. She had been eyeing up our new herb planter since Saturday when we bought it and while husband and I were in the garden yesterday she finally climbed in. She just loves to think she is there with us, helping and part of the action. She is so funny, just her little face and the way she follows me about, I just love her.

So there you go that my Monday love, what are you loving today?

Don't forget to visit Anna for more Much love Monday


  1. Awe, she looks so cute tucked into that planter. I know exactly what your mean, with regards to cat love .. my boycat Eddie is a real joy in my life!


  2. That's adorable that she likes to "help". I'm loving a day in.
    Catherine Denton

  3. Love that photograph! Made me laugh a lot, my cat always did that too!
    Have a wonderful week Sam! xxxBarbina
