
Wednesday 18 February 2015

Wip Wednesday - new/old projects

I've been quite quiet about any goals for my knitting this year, other than saying I must do more than last year. This is for 2 reasons I don't think the pressure helps me, life has enough pressure and my knitting is supposed to be fun and something I do to relax. I don't want to always feel pressured or that I'm behind in my goals. The other reason is that half of this year I will be pregnant and the other half I'll have a very new baby, so I have no idea how much knitting I'll get done. Having said that I do have some things I would like to do, the baby blanket was one, using up some of my stash was another and trying to reduce the number of wips I have, also to just generally make more than last year. 

So far things have been going great, I have finished the baby blanket, so that's off the list. I have also made another stocking so that's helping to work towards finishing a wip. And the Fo I have for Friday has helped to stash bust so all in all I'm very happy. I'm under no pressure and really enjoying my knitting and being back on my blog.

Now onto today, not so straight forward I'm afraid. This is a wip I started last year, it was intended to be a sweater for Angus for Christmas (the less said about that the better) it started off great I got the back knitted up in no time, got started on the front and here's where the trouble started. I have only done colourwork with my stockings which I've found to be really straightforward and I've really enjoyed it. The front of this sweater has a stripey monster on it, which I thought would be no problem, I've done some colourwork before so what's the big deal. Well as this is now the third time I am starting the front I think it's safe to say colourwork is the big deal. I think what I need to do is floats which, I am going to be honest here, scare me! I don't know why but they do! Thankfully I have a friend who I'm hoping will help get my floats started and then there will be no stopping this sweater. The only problem then will be if it still fits Angus!    

Oh don't forget to enter my giveaway!


  1. think of all the lovely things you can knit for your new baby...that will keep you busy this year.......good luck with the colourwork

  2. Color work is always so pretty! Good luck and enjoy knitting for the new baby!

  3. You can do it! Doing new things is scary, but you'll be pleased when you get it sorted.

  4. All the lovely colourwork I have seen is really inspiring me. I'm sure yours will be perfect! Knitting for a baby will be so much fun. All the best.
