
Tuesday 11 February 2014

Book review

It's's just round the you feeling?

I am of course talking about Valentines day! Now I love valentines day but as a married woman with a pretty thoughtful husband it's not really surprising! Also my love of planning/organising and making a big deal out of holidays makes Valentines a no brainer really! 

So what do you have planned, are you doing anything special? I think even if you're single you can still spread the love! My plans are pretty low key, no babysitter so I have put together a hamper for the husband filled with our favourite things for a romantic night in, DVD, chocolate, wine, candles and a few little surprises!

I hope you have a happy day even if you don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend, husband or wife!

Now onto my book review, I came across this the other day when I was at work (I'm a librarian) and thought it was fab

It's full of fab ideas so you can personalise your man! You can make him tall, short, thin, stocky, there's a section for hair and lots more! Here's my favourite 

The detail is so good! There are tips for clothes and accessories, so you can do more than what's in the book. The instructions look pretty clear as well! So really, perfect for anyone to make! I am considering making one based on my husband, just for fun! 

Here's the link for amazon where you can buy a copy! Or better yet go to your library and borrow one! 

Big love! X


  1. Hi Sam - I've been spotting this book in a lot of knitting/crafty magazines lately and it just looks like a whole lot of fun! Thanks for the review :) No plans for Valentines yet - I'm winging it, hehe :) :)

    1. Yeah I thought it was a really fun idea! I love all the "knit your own..." series of books but this is one I can actually see myself doing!

  2. must follow the link to amazon - what a fun idea!

    1. Yay! Glad you like it, I think it looks really fun!
