
Sunday 5 January 2014

That time of the week again...

Sunday night is alway movie night in our house, for us a perfect way to end what is often a busy weekend! This weekend was no different but it was a great weekend! Although I was at work on Saturday morning we still managed to visit some friends in the afternoon and pick up my new glasses. We had a lovely time with our friends they have a son who is 6 so quite a bit older than Angus but it was lovely watching them play together, Angus desperately trying to do the same things as Isaac and Isaac being so patient with him. It was just nice to catch up after the mayhem that is Christmas!

I was also really pleased with my new glasses, I've gone for a totally different pair than normal but I love them! 

What do you think?

Today was a day I dread, taking down the decorations. I love putting them up but taking them down is so depressing and the room always feels so bare afterwards. Luckily I didn't have long to think about this as we had some more friends popping in to see us for a coffee. These are friends from back home who we don't get to see very often so it was great to see them today. 
The husband and I are very lucky with our friends we have some real gems!
The rest of the day was just spent playing with Angus and his new toys. I didn't get in the kitchen much this weekend but that's ok as we are still eating our way through the Christmas stock! I did start a new knitting project, a little hat for one of Angus' friends, more about that on Wednesday though! 

Well I hope you have all had a good weekend too, I'd love to hear what you've been up to! Hopefully the rest of my weekends this year will be as good!