
Monday 21 November 2011

Much love Monday - Durham

This weekend (Thurs-Sun) the city I live in, Durham has been having a light festival called Lumiere. It was held two years ago but unfortunately I didn't get a chance to go, but heard lots of good things. So this year when I heard it was on again and going to be bigger and better I decided I would definitely be going. Husband and I went on Saturday night and then again on Sunday, it was amazing, that really is all I can say, yeah it was busy and it was cold and some people were annoying but hey it was free and I'm sure you'll agree when you see the photo's it was very cool!

So today I am loving Durham! What are you loving?

Linking today's post with Anna over at Much love!


  1. Friends of mine went and they loved it!

  2. Looks lovely! Seems like a variety of beautiful light displays. Happy Monday!
