
Sunday 21 August 2011

Blog Award

Today I received The Versatile Blogger award from Jessica at The Crazy Chaotic House. I am so happy someone wants to give me an award for my little blog! It has totally made my day! Please go over and check out Jessica's blog!

Here’s how the award works:

After accepting the Versatile Blogger Award, the blogger must:

1. Thank the person who gave the award and link back to them in your post.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass this award along to 15 recently discovered blogs.

Seven Things About Me:

1. I work in a library, which I love
2. I'm Scottish but currently live in England
3. My favorite colour is Purple!
4. I had a winter wedding
5. I love to make cards
6. Although I hate to admit it I would be lost without my iphone
7. I love cooking and baking

15 newly discovered blogs I found that I’m passing this award on to

I am afraid I am going to cheat a bt here and these blogs may not be very newly discovered but are all very worthy blogs!

1. A surprise every time
2. A pretty life in the suburbs
3. Bee and buzz
4. Lemon Rhodes
5. Paula Purls
6. You, Me & Miss E
7. Gemmipop Designs
8. Wool Diaries
9. Her Library Adventures
10. Seaweed and Raine
11. An Accidental Knitter
12. Tweed Thoughts
13. Happy Elastic
14. Being careful not to Twist
15. Emily Q Handmade

Please pop over to these blogs I'm sure you will love them as much as I do! Enjoy what left of your weekend!

Happy Blogging


  1. Thanks so much for the award - I hadn't realised that I wasn't already following you but I am now, sorry about that!! Thanks for all of your lovely comments, I always like to hear from you!x

  2. This is me to the happy dance! Thank you!

    Your blog rocks as well!

  3. Thank-you so much! You made my weekend!

  4. Hi Sam, thank you so much for this lovely award, I am very pleased to accept it. You made my day. thank you bee x

  5. Thankyou Sam! Lovely blog-list - have enjoyed flipping through them :)

  6. Thank you so much Sam! *dances* There is an explosive thank you over on my blog ;)

  7. Your welcome Sam! I felt tickled when I received the award so I know how you and everyone else feels. And thanks for accepting;)

  8. Hi Sam, Thank you so much.You made my day.:)

  9. Hi Sam! Thank you so much for the award - I am so chuffed! :) It was a seriously great kick-off to my day.

  10. Thanks for the award Sam! I finally got my post up today : )
