
Monday 11 July 2011

Knitting on the train!

So as I mentioned the other day I went away for the weekend. I was going up to Glasgow for a Hen weekend, as I was going by train and I thought this would be a great opportunity to get some knitting done. Especially after having (lovely) visitors for a week. Now I have a couple of things ongoing at the moment so I had to think hard about what I wanted to take. I decided it had to be something easy to follow, nothing too big and something that I would enjoy doing. I can't actually tell you what I decided to knit as its a present for someone. But I can so you an "in action" photo!

I have to admit I was kind of disappointed with knitting on the train. Don't get me wrong it was great to have uninterrupted knitting time and an excuse to just sit and knit but I had expected more of a reaction. The train was even quite busy, both on the journey there and on the journey home. Only one person spoke to me about my knitting, a very nice steward on the train. He said he hadn't seen anyone knitting in a long time and it was lovely to see it! He then told me about his mum who also used to knit. It was lovely and I enjoyed talking to him but I was expecting more encounters like this!

Have you knitted in public? Did you get more reactions? I would love to know so please leave a comment!

Happy knitting xx


  1. I'm surprised more people didn't talk to you about it-I always talk to people if I see them knitting.I take crochet with me sometimes and the reactions vary!Love the colour of the wool.

  2. How lovely of the steward to talk about your knitting and his mum. I've knitted and crocheted in public but not much in the way of comments, more looks. I think people are less inclined to strike up a conversation these days in person! Bee x

  3. I've knitted in public, but I general get ignored. Now, when I take my knits-in-progress and start draping them on public statues ... THEN I get attention!

  4. I knit on the train every day ( only a 35 min trip but it goes so much quicker with something to do). I often get asked what I am knitting & it's mostly men that are interested. Usually it's because their mum or gran used to knit. Did you know that Kaffe Fassett was so fascinated by a lady knitting on a train trip that he asked her to teach him to knit. The rest ( as they say) is history.

  5. i love knitting too while traveling. you know i am thinking about what to make in the roadtrip i am going to make, there will be loads of hours free!:D

  6. I love knitting but have never knitted in public. I love it when I see other people knitting on public transport, but I'm always too shy to say anything!

  7. I knit everywhere, on the bus, in cafes, walking to and from school, and in the school yard. No-one ever says anything to me. I do see some people trying not to look though.

    Looking forward to seeing what you were working on.

  8. i love taking train rides... there is just something different about taking a train ride and enjoying the scenic views as opposed to a flight! u agree? :)

  9. Like Melissa I knit basically everywhere and all of the time. Comments happen but they're surprisingly rare.

  10. I had my knitting confiscated on an internal flight in Australia. I'd been knitting (with plastic needles) for about 20 minutes before anyone noticed the threat I posed. Mind you, my needles had been sticking out of my hand luggage that went through the x-ray and a manual check. I had to be escorted off the plane when we landed too. The flight attendants were pretty apologetic about it. Still, I'm happy to avoid getting a reaction when I knit in public now...

  11. I have no doubt that it was a Quiet Reaction Day. I say this because I barely leave home without the sticks!

  12. I crocheted on trains across Europe from Vienna to Budapest, then on to Prague last year. It became known as my holiday blanket.Not many comments but lots of curious glances. Language could have been the sticking point then. I knit and crochet when my daughter is at swimming club and always have a chat about what I'm doing.
    Thanks for your comment on my blog. Glad you like my work.
    Fiona x

  13. I knit on the train quite often on my commute to work (well, until a week ago) and I got some funny stares! Although I prefer to be left alone than to have to answer endless questions from people who have no idea what I'm doing. Especially if I'm counting ;o)
