
Saturday 30 July 2011

100 Days 100 Words #4 - Knitting


Hope you are all having a good weekend! I would like to first apologise for missing last Saturday, we were away for the weekend at a wedding and during the week I just hadn't had time to write up a post, sorry. But I am here this weekend and ready to tell you about my fourth word!

Now the title of my blog may have given it away and if you follow me or have stopped by before you are going to be pretty familiar with the fact I like Love knitting! First I will tell you a little about my knitting background. I come from knitters, my granny on my dad's side has knit her whole life and my mum has been knitting for about 10 years. My granny tried to teach me to knit when I was 7 but I was one of those children who was much happier running around and being on the go, not sitting quietly and concentrating for any lenght of time. So as you can imagine my poor granny didn't get far in teaching me. Then my mum thought she would teach me, I think I was about 24 at this point and I picked it up ok, I wasn't brilliant and it took me a long time to master the basics and eventually I just stopped. However, I believe third times a charm and for a couple of reasons this February I decided I wanted to knit. When I told my granny she offered to knit what I wanted for me (that's how bad I was) but I said no it was ok I was going to learn and do it myself. When I told my mum, she kind of groaned and kindly said she would be on the phone if I needed her (she lives 300 miles away). And that was it really, I have had a few disasters, which you can read about on my blog but on the whole it has been going really well and I am quite proud of myself, for not only learning to knit, but being able to actually make things and that I have stuck with it. I couldn't imagine not knitting now, it has become such a big part of my life.
  This is me knitting away this morning. The sofa is where I do most of my knitting. I have taken it on car journeys but the husband doesn't like it as he has images of breaking hard and me spearing myself with a needle (he's very dramatic!) I have also taken it when I was traveling on the train, which you can also read about on my blog. But really I mostly knit on the sofa, it's comfy and near the tv, what more can I say?! I try to knit everyday but as you will understand sometimes life just gets in the way. I am also trying to resist the urge to keep casting on projects before I finish one. There is so much I want to do, as you will see if you check out my bucket list!

Right now I am knitting a top for myself. This is quite a big project for me as I have been mainly knitting small things up to now. It seems to be going well and I love how it looks and feels. I usually update my progress on a Wednesday as part of Wip Wednesday on Tami's blog. What I would like to show you  is the knitting bag I have started using. I got this bag as a gift at Christmas from my MIL and loved it but wasn't sure what I would use it for. But now I am knitting it makes the perfect project bag.
 Isn't it Gorjuss?! That's a little joke as its by a company called Gorjuss art you can find the website here. They do all sorts of truely lovely stuff. Check it out!

So I think that concludes my thoughts on knitting (well at least for today!)

Please feel free to add your blog to the Mr Linky. The blog post can either be your own 100 days 100 words or just a post about knitting! Also try and visit some other posts and share the love and link back to me!


  1. Hi! I just found your blog through a link party and became a follower. I am a knitter also. I just learned to crochet about a year ago and I sew and paint. Also, I have a cat. Her name is Mickey. Nice to meet you! Please drop by my blog if you get a chance.

  2. It's nice to be able to curl up nice and comfy and knit isn't it? I was on my own Friday night and Saturday during the afternoon and that is exactly what I was doing! I really like your bag, it's very cute!
